Rules & regulations

The competition is open to children and adolescents of all nationalities from 6 to 18 years old. 

Musical choices : oratorio, opera, operetta, old musical comedy and/or a prayer. The candidate chooses three songs and sings by heart.

The jury’s decisions are final. 

Registration fee is CHF. 50.- payable to validate the registration. 

Closing date for registrations : September 22, 2022 at midnight.

The playoffs take place behind closed doors. The semi-final and the final are public.

All communication goes by email to the organizer:

The candidate is requested to bring his scores for the pianist. The candidate can change the order of the pieces, but must imperatively inform the organizer.

Any registration for the Competition implies acceptance of the rules.

Candidates are requested to notify the organizer in case of absence.

The legal fort is in Geneva.